The Flower Shop by Morgan - Your Local Florist in Garstang
When you think of florists, think The Flower Shop by Morgan, an award winning florist based in Garstang, Preston in the North West of England. We have a reputation for giving our customers only the very best in value & service , beautiful floral designs of all styles and gifts , and reliable deliveries. Let us make the effort for ...... you............
The Flower Shop by Morgan
Your Local Florist in Garstang
When you think of florists, think The Flower Shop by Morgan, an award winning florist based in Garstang, Preston in the North West of England. We have a reputation for giving our customers only the very best in value, contemporary floral design, and reliable deliveries. All of our orders are backed by the Interflora Guarantee of Satisfaction so you can be sure that when you buy flowers from us you receive only the best. Let us make the effort for you.